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“Raising Edwin” is an intriguing tale set amidst the breathtaking landscapes of British Columbia. In the heart of this unique region resides Margret Stewart, a successful business woman deeply attached to her father’s thriving construction enterprise. Her home in Vancouver, Canada is shared with her trusted housemaid, Clare, and the dedicated chauffeur, Jim.

about The Book
Eric Valdespino author

Meet The Author


Meet Eric Valdespino, an accomplished science fiction author who embarks on an exhilarating odyssey through the fabric of time and the vast expanse of space in his latest book, “Raising Edwin.” This gripping narrative immerses readers in the riveting tale of artificial intelligence hailing from distant realms, transcending the conventional bounds of time and space to transport them into the breathtaking landscapes of British Columbia.
Behind the pseudonym Eric Valdespino, Richard Eaton fervently nurtures his passion for storytelling, skillfully crafting narratives that both captivate and enchant his audience. For him, the act of writing is akin to the artistry of a painter, with words serving as his palette to conjure diverse and immersive worlds within the minds of his readers.

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Eric Valdespino’s Chapters

Raising Edwin

Margret, unknowingly entwined in an intergalactic legacy, and the CPU embark on a thrilling journey, weaving a narrative of unexpected twists and the extraordinary convergence of human and extraterrestrial destinies. Here is the official preview of the chapters;



As the day dawned, Margret found a rare moment of a personal break from the relentless demands of her father’s………



Margret was attending a board meeting when she received a text from Jim stating urgency. The message was unclear, but………



Onboard the spacecraft, disaster struck as the computer systems suffered severe damage. Amidst the chaos, the autonomous master CPU, which…



One usual morning, Claire was diligently working in the kitchen when Amber entered, her face etched with boredom and restlessness.



Two weeks had slipped by since Amber made the life-altering decision to stop walking. Today, an unfamiliar ringing invaded her….



Amber lay in bed, drifting in and out of a light sleep, when a thunderous crash pierced the stillness of…..

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Raising Edwin

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Why Read It?

Raising Edwin

The novel weaves a unique tale around Margret Stewart, a successful businesswoman whose unfulfilled longing for motherhood leads her on an unexpected and extraordinary journey. The well-crafted characters, unexpected twists, and exploration of complex themes make it a compelling choice for those seeking a thought-provoking and thrilling narrative.

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